VideoPoet: A New Breakthrough in AI Video Generation ?

Devesh Surve
8 min readAug 7, 2024



Recently I read that one of the ICML’24 Best Paper Award ( ) was given to VideoPoet: A large language model for zero-shot video generation. Intrigued since getting the best paper award in any of the top tier conferences is very very difficult. The paper was quite interesting, since Google Research has introduced VideoPoet, an AI model that can generate, edit, and manipulate videos in ways that were once thought to be the exclusive domain of human creativity. But what makes VideoPoet special, and how does it work? So in this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the technology behind VideoPoet, explaining it in terms that (hopefully) won’t require an advanced degree in computer science to understand.

The Evolution of AI-Generated Content:

To appreciate the significance of VideoPoet, it’s helpful to understand the journey of AI-generated content:

  1. Text Generation: AI started with generating text. Models like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) can produce human-like text based on prompts.
  2. Image Generation: The next frontier was creating images from text descriptions. Models like DALL-E and Midjourney made this possible.
  3. Video Generation: This is where we are now. Generating coherent, high-quality videos from text or other inputs is the latest challenge AI is tackling.

So What is VideoPoet?

VideoPoet is an AI model developed by Google Research that can perform a variety of video-related tasks:

  • Generate videos from text descriptions
  • Create videos from still images
  • Edit existing videos
  • Change the style of videos (e.g., make them look like cartoons)
  • Generate matching audio for videos

What makes VideoPoet unique is its approach. Instead of using the currently popular method for video generation (which we’ll discuss next), it adapts techniques from language models to work with video.

The Current Approach: Diffusion Models

Before we dive into how VideoPoet works, let’s understand the current popular method for AI video generation: diffusion models.

Diffusion models work on a principle inspired by thermodynamics. Here’s a simplified explanation:

  1. Start with Noise: Begin with a completely random, noisy image or video.
  2. Gradual Denoising: The AI learns to gradually remove noise, step by step, until a clear image or video emerges.
  3. Guided Process: The text description or other input guides this denoising process, influencing what appears in the final output.

Think of it like slowly developing a photograph, where the image becomes clearer over time.

While diffusion models have produced impressive results, they have some limitations:

  • They can be slow, especially for longer videos.
  • It can be challenging to maintain consistency across frames.
  • Adding new capabilities often requires significant changes to the model.

VideoPoet’s Approach: Language Model for Video

VideoPoet takes a different approach, inspired by large language models like GPT. But how can a language model, designed for text, work with videos? This is where the innovation begins.

Key Concept: Tokenization

The fundamental idea behind VideoPoet is to represent everything — text, images, video frames, and audio — as sequences of “tokens.”

What are tokens?

  • In language models, tokens are usually parts of words or individual characters.
  • For VideoPoet, tokens represent small pieces of visual or audio information.

This unified representation allows the AI to process all these different types of data in the same way it processes text.

The Architecture of VideoPoet:

Now, please bare with me and this complex diagram :


  • Image and Video Tokenizer: Converts visual data into tokens.
  • Audio Tokenizer: Converts audio into tokens.
  • Text Embeddings: Converts text into a format the model can understand.

Language Model Backbone:

  • A large neural network similar to those used for text generation.
  • Trained to predict the next token in a sequence, whether it’s a word, part of an image, or a snippet of audio.

Super-Resolution Module:

  • Increases the resolution and quality of the generated videos.

How VideoPoet Works:

Input Processing:

  • Text is converted into embeddings.
  • Images, videos, or audio (if present) are converted into tokens.

Token Generation:

  • The language model predicts tokens one by one, building up the video frame by frame.
  • This process is guided by the input (text description, image, etc.).


  • The generated low-resolution video is then enhanced to create the final high-quality output.

Training Process:

VideoPoet’s training happens in two main stages:

  1. Pretraining:
  • The model is exposed to a massive amount of data: videos, images, text, and audio.
  • It learns general patterns and relationships between these different types of data.
  • This is like giving the AI a broad education about the visual and auditory world.

2. Task Adaptation:

  • The pretrained model is then fine-tuned for specific tasks.
  • This improves its performance on particular types of video generation or editing.

3. Multi-Task Training:

A key innovation in VideoPoet is its multi-task training approach. Instead of creating separate models for different tasks, VideoPoet is trained on many tasks simultaneously:

  • Text-to-Video: Generating videos from text descriptions.
  • Image-to-Video: Animating still images.
  • Video Editing: Filling in missing parts of videos or extending them.
  • Video Stylization: Changing the visual style of videos.
  • Audio Generation: Creating matching audio for videos.

This multi-task approach has several benefits:

  1. Flexibility: The model can handle many different tasks without major changes.
  2. Generalization: It learns more general skills that can be applied to new, unseen tasks.
  3. Efficiency: A single model can do the work of many specialized models.

Key Innovations and Capabilities:

  1. Zero-Shot Performance: “Zero-shot” refers to the ability to perform tasks the AI wasn’t explicitly trained on. VideoPoet shows impressive zero-shot capabilities, able to handle new types of prompts or combine its skills in novel ways.
  2. Long-form Generation: VideoPoet can create coherent videos up to 10 seconds long. This is challenging because the AI needs to maintain consistency and logical progression over many frames.
  3. 3D Understanding: Interestingly, even though VideoPoet wasn’t specifically trained on 3D data, it shows an understanding of three-dimensional space. It can generate videos that appear to rotate around objects or show different angles of a scene.
  4. Camera Movements: The model can simulate various camera movements (like panning or zooming) based on text descriptions. This adds a layer of cinematographic control to the generation process.
  5. Style Transfer: VideoPoet can apply various artistic styles to videos, such as making them look like watercolor paintings or cartoons.
  6. Task Chaining: One of the most impressive capabilities is VideoPoet’s ability to chain different tasks together. For example, it can animate a still image, then apply a style transfer, and finally add appropriate audio — all in one seamless process.

So How Well Does It Perform?

The researchers evaluated VideoPoet in two main ways:

  1. Objective Metrics: They used standard benchmarks in the field of video generation, comparing VideoPoet to other state-of-the-art models. VideoPoet performed exceptionally well, often outperforming other models in measures of video quality and how well the videos matched the text descriptions.
  2. Human Evaluation: Perhaps more importantly, they had human raters compare videos generated by VideoPoet with those from other top models. People consistently preferred VideoPoet’s outputs, especially in terms of:
  • Text Fidelity: How well the video matched the text description.
  • Video Quality: The overall visual quality of the video.
  • Motion Interestingness: How engaging and dynamic the movements in the video were.
  • Motion Realism: How natural and believable the motions appeared.

VideoPoet particularly excelled in generating videos with complex and interesting motions, an area where many other models struggle.

Challenges and Limitations:

While VideoPoet represents a significant advancement, it’s not without its challenges:

  1. Temporal Consistency: In longer videos, there can sometimes be slight inconsistencies between frames. Objects might subtly change appearance or position in ways that don’t make sense.
  2. Text Rendering: The model struggles with generating readable text within videos. This is a common challenge in AI video generation.
  3. Computational Requirements: As a large and complex AI model, VideoPoet requires significant computational power to run. This could limit its immediate accessibility for everyday users.
  4. Ethical Considerations: As with any powerful AI tool, there are concerns about potential misuse, such as creating misleading or fake videos. The researchers acknowledge the importance of developing and using this technology responsibly.

Why VideoPoet Matters:

The significance of VideoPoet extends beyond just creating cool videos:

  1. Unified Approach: By adapting language model techniques to video, VideoPoet demonstrates a more unified approach to AI that could lead to more flexible and capable systems in the future.
  2. Creative Tool: For artists, filmmakers, and content creators, tools like VideoPoet could dramatically lower the barriers to creating complex visual content.
  3. Advancements in AI Understanding: The model’s ability to handle 3D concepts and camera movements suggests that AI is developing a more sophisticated understanding of the visual world.
  4. Potential Applications:
  • Film and TV Production: Quickly visualizing scenes or creating rough animations.
  • Advertising: Generating video content more efficiently.
  • Education: Creating educational videos and simulations.
  • Game Development: Assisting in creating cutscenes or concept videos.
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality: Potentially generating dynamic content for immersive experiences.

Future Directions:

The researchers behind VideoPoet suggest several areas for future improvement and exploration:

  1. Scaling Up: Increasing the model’s size and training data could potentially lead to even better performance and new capabilities.
  2. Improved Temporal Consistency: Developing techniques to ensure better consistency across longer videos.
  3. Text Rendering: Finding ways to generate readable and coherent text within videos.
  4. Ethical AI: Continuing to develop safeguards and guidelines for responsible use of this technology.


VideoPoet represents a significant leap forward in the field of AI-generated video content. By adapting techniques from language models to the domain of video, the researchers at Google have created a flexible, powerful system capable of handling a wide range of video-related tasks.

While there’s still room for improvement, VideoPoet opens up exciting possibilities for the future of content creation. It suggests a world where complex visual stories could be brought to life with just a few words, where editing and manipulating video becomes as easy as editing text.

As this technology continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to see how it impacts fields like entertainment, education, and communication. At the same time, it will be crucial to consider the ethical implications and work towards ensuring that such powerful tools are used responsibly.

VideoPoet is not just a step forward in AI video generation; it’s a glimpse into a future where the boundaries between human and machine creativity continue to blur and expand in exciting new ways.



Devesh Surve

Grad student by day, lifelong ML/AI explorer by night. I dive deep, then share easy-to-understand, step-by-step guides to demystify the complex.