Here Are the Meanings of the 12 Laws of Karma That Are at Work in Your Life

Devesh Surve
5 min readOct 11, 2022


The idea of receiving back whatever you give to the universe, good or evil, is known as karma. No matter what religion you practice (or don’t! ), the idea of karma may affect your daily life. By definition, Hinduism and Buddhism place a high value on predicting one’s future in this world based on the moral framework of the present. You may potentially increase the chance of positive things happening in your life by following these 12 karma laws by living a good life.

So then, What are the 12 laws of karma?

The Law of Cause and Effect

The great law, sometimes referred to as the law of cause and effect, is what many individuals think of when they think about what karma is. It asserts that we attract either positive or evil ideas and energies in response to them. According to Jennifer Gray, a certified professional life coach, “it’s like sowing and reaping.” “If you sow compassion and love, you will harvest those benefits.”

The Law of Creation

You guessed it: creating is the main focus of the rule of creation. You have to actively get out there and make things happen; you can’t just sit around and wait for nice things to suddenly materialize in your life. Gray cites Beyoncés and Oprahs as two outstanding instances of people who live by this karmic law. She claims that they have benefited the world by using their talents, gifts, and skills. They are always coming up with new ideas, not just for their own advantage but also for the benefit of others. Therefore, you have the ability to design the reality of your dreams.

The Law of Humility

You must accept the way things are in order to make changes in your life. The law of humility is based on this idea. According to Gray, many extremely successful people exhibit this quality. She describes them as being powerful, caring, giving, and quite modest. But before they all embarked on their respective paths, they had to come to terms with certain aspects of themselves and of society. So keep in mind that regardless of where you begin, if you can own your narrative and the elements of it that are entirely beyond your control, you can also own the course for what comes next. You can have a prosperous, happy, and healthy future.

The Law of Growth

The global rule of development is about expansion, namely within ourselves, as its name implies. According to Gray, our outward world will alter and advance as a result of our interior growth, development, and evolution. This is where reading self-help and spiritual literature and engaging in personal growth may be helpful. Additionally, there is always more to learn, change, and heal as progress never stops.

The Law of Responsibility

The rule of responsibility encourages us to accept responsibility for all of life’s events, including the less desirable ones. According to Gray, “We are accountable for how we choose to spend our lives — not anybody else.” We are in charge of how we present ourselves to others, how we let others treat us, and how we treat each other. By accepting responsibility for your role in each event, you may put this law into effect.

The Law of Connection

According to the rule of connectedness, everyone and everything is interconnected. Gray claims, for instance, that despite appearing to be completely different individuals, you are the same person in the past, present, and future. Everything you’ve gone through has prepared you for the subsequent event, which was followed by several more. It’s all connected. We are linked to other people as well. According to Gray, “We help, teach, love, honor, and respect ourselves by doing the same for others.” “There is always a link. All we need to do is pay attention and be aware of it.

The Law of Force

Even though some of us may think we are expert multitaskers, our propensity to accomplish everything at once sometimes causes us to become inefficient. You cannot focus your attention on two things at once, according to the rule of force. According to Gray, you can do a lot more and get better outcomes if you concentrate on one item at a time.

The Law of Generosity and Hospitality

This rule of karma is all about putting others before yourself, being charitable, and living up to your words. It’s important to make sure that you don’t only speak and believe positive things; rather, you really act on your convictions. Let’s imagine, for instance, that you favor charitable giving. The rule of giving and hospitality therefore mandates that, rather than only campaigning for something to happen, you really contribute when the chance to do so arises.

The Law of Now and Here

The law of here and now is all about being present, as you might probably predict. The majority of us, according to Gray, “spend our lives replaying that same old recording in our brains, obsessing about the past and what we did wrong.” We won’t be as disengaged whether engaging with people, eating a meal, watching a movie, or just relaxing by ourselves if we live in the present and are aware of what we are doing, seeing, tasting, smelling, and experiencing. You’ll sense a shift in the vibe, and the experience will be more fulfilling.

The Law of Change

The law of change is at work if you frequently find yourself in the same circumstances (maybe you keep drawing the same kind of unfavorable spouse, for example). It’s the world trying to tell you to teach yourself a lesson. According to Gray, the pattern won’t stop repeating itself unless you take the lessons from the event and act in a different way to improve yourself and break the cycle. The issue is that far too many individuals think far too much and feel far too little. We must be able to link ideas and feelings in order to modify and make changes in order to change the pattern and the issue, according to her.

The Law of Persistence and Gain

This karmic principle basically means that “doing your best pays off.” That is, consistent effort. Even when you don’t immediately see any progress made toward your big goals, it’s important to show up, put in the effort, and keep going. Gray advises adhering to this karmic rule by accepting that great things take time and perseverance, keeping going, praising yourself, and relishing every small victory you experience along the way.

The Law of Meaning and Insight

We all have something valuable to contribute, according to the rule of importance and inspiration. Our special talents were created to be shared with the world and have a beneficial influence. No matter how little and small it may appear to be, our contribution to the world is significant. Use this karmic law as inspiration anytime you need it. But always keep in mind that you only receive back what you put forth.



Devesh Surve
Devesh Surve

Written by Devesh Surve

Grad student by day, lifelong ML/AI explorer by night. I dive deep, then share easy-to-understand, step-by-step guides to demystify the complex.

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